Goro Fujita : Artist warrior princess
Goro Fujita : Artist warrior princess

Speed Painting Selection #17

And welcome to our new weekly selection of Speed Paintings in collaboration with the Daily Spitpaint FB group , featuring this week the art of :

Ahmed Aldoori, Aniff Zazali, Antoine Bonnet, Arnaud Pheu, Barry Kooser, Botos Vlad, Danielito Bond,Diego Eduardo Rosales, Dimitar Marinski, Eddie Mendoza, Edward Delandre, Eren Arik, Gal Or, Goro Fujita, Grandfailure Failure, Inanna Anna Nakano, Jairo Sanabria, Picasillo, Jakub Różalski, Julia Lullaby, Kirk Quilaquil, Lukasz Bober, Mark Molnar, Massiva Lunacy, Mike Azevedo, Ming Hwan Yeoh, Nicodemus Mattisson, Nikita Guine, Pedro Lopes, Yann Boyer, Yuhki Demers

Previous selections can be found here