Lennart Verhoeff : space cow
Lennart Verhoeff : space cow

Speed Painting Selection #16

And welcome to our new weekly selection of Speed Paintings in collaboration with the Daily Spitpaint FB group , featuring this week the art of :

Ari Targownik, Arnaud Pheu, Benedick Bana, Bobby Rebholz, Christian Lonsdale, Dave Neale, Dronky Monky,Eddie Mendoza, Elisabeth Peir¢,Eren Arik,Goro Fujita, Hernan Flores, Inanna Anna Nakano, Ivan Kashubo, Jairo Sanabria Picasillo, Kirk Quilaquil, Lennart Verhoeff, Loãc Bramoulle, Lorenz Hideyoshi Ruwwe, Ludovic Ribardiere,Manuel Bustamante, Nacho Malter, Neelam Jahagirdar, Olivier Bisson, Patrick Jensen, Paul Chadeisson, Pedro Lopes, Perochon Renaud, Peter Klijn, Raph Lomotan, Rudy Siswanto, Saeed Ramez,Soufiane Mengad, Speed Painter, Steve Marcus, Tahir Tanış, Tommy Chestnut, Tysen Johnson, Wincat Alcala, David Gau, Lia Marin

Previous selections can be found here