rise of the planet of the apes VFX
rise of the planet of the apes VFX

Making of Dawn of the Planet of The Apes

Discover how the motion capture and VFX has evolved since Rise of the Planet of the Apes in this special video focusing on the VFX and capture process in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Sequence Breakdown

Motion Capture Breakdown

rise of the planet of the apes VFX
rise of the planet of the apes VFX
rise of the planet of the apes VFX
rise of the planet of the apes VFX
rise of the planet of the apes VFX
rise of the planet of the apes VFX
rise of the planet of the apes VFX
rise of the planet of the apes VFX
rise of the planet of the apes VFX
rise of the planet of the apes VFX