Hellraiser Origins Art
Hellraiser Origins Art

Hellraiser Origins

We’re extremly proud to present an exclusive preview of Hellraiser Origins, a teaser promo directed by Mike Le Han and produced by Paul Gerrard and Mike Le Han.

All Production stills by Stephen McGrath

From Paul Gerrard (Wrath Of The Titans, Battle LA, TMNT) and Mike Le Han (Mrs Peppercorn’s Magical Reading Room) comes a re-imaging of the Hellraiser world. A teaser was produced to accompany a pitch document which has many more conceptual designs that revision Hellraiser. Paul designed the new look for Pinhead and was production designer on the shoot and Le Han pulled in all of his film resources and directed the teaser on the new Alex 4:3 camera with anamorphic lenses.


Hellraiser Origins Breakdown

I also want to really push the prosthetics side of things as well as CGI. The Cgi was used to create the final scene as we pulled back to reveal the Leviathans ‘Garden of sin’. Using cg to create the wider shot of the bodies. Seeing as the budget was zero, this was by far the best option to obtain that grand ending. As for the prosthetics, I contacts Lifecast Ltd, some of the guys that worked on the original Cenobites from Hellraiser 1. Showed them my design for a new Pinhead and they came on board straight away. On the day it took some 8 hours to get John Roberts who played our Pinhead ready to go. He looked absolutely stunning! I was speechless .

Hellraiser Origins Prosthetics

Hellraiser Origins Art