Mike Morris has worked on various animation-based projects and television series, including the likes of The Simpsons, Disney XD’s Future Worm!, and most recently, Disney’s 2017 Duck Tales reboot.
Mike has had various roles in his career ranging from Episodic Director, Storyboard Supervisor, Storyboard Artist, as well as Character Layout, and Animator. Mike has also worked for a variety of other media companies including Dreamworks, Warner Bros., Bongo Comics, Disney Channel, Disney Publishing Worldwide
Discover Mike Morris Mentorship Program
Storyboarding for Intermediate Board Artists
This mentorship assumes you have previous experience with storyboarding, or have taken the beginner’s mentorship previously.
This course provides six (6) weekly 90-minute sessions to refine your storyboarding skills, focusing on both the artistic and the technical aspects of storytelling. Together we’ll discuss storyboarding style, composition philosophies, and address weakenesses and strengths in storytelling and drawing skill.
You will be assigned 5 storyboards during the length of the mentorship to complete, each with a review session following. Recommended Software for this mentorship is ToonBoom Storyboard Pro, though not required.
Storyboarding for beginners
This mentorship provides six (6) weekly 90-minute sessions to help you take your storyboarding skills up to the next level.
Together we’ll go over the basics of storyboarding, the underlying philosophies involved, and address technical skill. You will be assigned 5 storyboards during the length of the mentorship to complete, each with a review session following.